Empowerment Of Children

"""" Creating A Society Where All Children's Rights Are Released """"

Reach the Heart's believes that each child is a gift of God and they all should be treated equally. These children are only the future of our country and hence it is our responsibility to take care of them.

All developing countries are countries of contrasts! They have billionaires on one side and on the other side, children work as labourers. They have lost their childhoods and have little hope for a better future. Over 2 million children die before their first birthday due to lack of immunization and medical facilities!
Each child deserves proper Education, HealthCare and Guidance so that they can grow up and achieve something in life. RTH has taken up the endeavour of providing integrated empowerment of the underprivileged street children of developing countries like India, Africa, Somalia etc. Despite being citizens of the same country, these children live in a different world than the children of the emerging middle class. Taken as a separate nation, they represent one of the neediest peoples on the planet.

Our Mission:
To improve the quality of life and advance the rights of children. RTH constantly strives to empower individuals, particularly underprivileged children enabling them to meet basic ambitions of their life and realize their potential, make informed choices, resist oppression, fight for rightful existence and facilitate new possibilities and opportunities for them. Reach the Heart's aims and objectives are to help disabled, orphaned, poor and exploited children, in particular those living in developing countries and to bring about change for good by providing, promoting and advancing children’s rights to basic necessities working towards enhancing their equality aimed at sustaining their long term development. RTH works to bring about a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Promoting Child Protection:

Millions of children across the globe are victims of exploitation, abuse and violence each year. They are recruited into armed conflicts, exploited sexually, or trafficked and forced to work in abominable conditions. Girls in particular are vulnerable, suffering from abuses they are victims of violence in the home, they aren’t allowed to attend school, or are forced into early marriage.
RTH protects abused and abandoned children and empowers young adults with a positive future by strengthening families. We build awareness of child abuse.

Special Focus On Education:
Education is vital to lasting positive change in children's lives. Reach the Heart reaches the world's most marginalized children — those who urgently need education to survive and thrive around the world. RTH's goal is to facilitate quality and complete primary education to the target group (non –school going & dropouts within the age group of 6-14 years). Reach the Hearts strives to enable the children to be self –sustainable through vocational education.

Upliftment of Street Children:
Perhaps the most disadvantaged group in India are the millions of street children who live or work on the street. Street children have fallen through society's cracks – there are few ladders for them to climb back up. Children live and work on the street because their parents are poor, they are orphans, or they have run away from home, often to escape abuse. They are invariably malnourished, receive scant education and medical treatment, and are involved in child labour from an early age. Child prostitution, sexual abuse and drug addictions are also major problems faced.

Health and Nutritional Support :
RTH works with families, communities and health care workers in homes, clinics and hospitals to promote basic health, well-being and survival, particularly for children under age 5 and for women of childbearing age providing them with immunisation and nutrition. Individuals suffering from any critical diseases are provided support for their health; specific cases are also taken for rehabilitation wherein they are given training, counseling and provision for aids and appliances.

Fighting Child Labour:
"Child labor" is, generally speaking, work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally, or by blocking access to education). Poverty is widely considered the top reason why children work at inappropriate jobs for their ages. But there are other reasons as well like family expectations and traditions, abuse of the child, lack of good schools and day care, lack of other services, such as health care and uncaring attitudes of employers.

RTH strives to educate parents for Increased family incomes, family control so that they are not burdened by children, social services to help families and children survive crises or loss. We work closely with local communities, teachers and the government to create and help maintain measures and structures that can prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence affecting children.

RTH's Child Sponsorship Programmes helps needy children get access to clean drinking water, sanitation, education, skills for future livelihood, nutrition, health care and participate in an age-appropriate development processes. By changing the lives of children, the child sponsorship programmes also facilitate overall growth and development in the community, building a better future through empowerment, education, income generation, and self-sufficiency. The Foundation also believes that the only way to ensure a better future for these children is by educating them. That is because education is both the means as well as the end; it empowers these children and evolves them as better citizens.

Your Donation of Rs 8000 / $ 150 can help a child to get his uniform ,school supplies and books for a year.
        Your Donation of Rs 2500 / $ 50 can feed a child for 3 months.

 Any kind of donation will help needy, abused, neglected children


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